Wednesday, September 30, 2015

2015 - Sept. 30: Papal Audience

Pope Francis returned from the USA just in time for us to attend his General Audience on this day. (We initially thought it was ironic that he was in the US while we were in Italy...) We joined him with several THOUSAND of our best friends.

Unlike previous Popes, Francesco cruises through the crowd before the General Audience begins.

People were creative in their efforts to see him and get a photo. (I stood on a chair, like a civilized person!)

Of course, there was the ever-important selfie to be taken!

Even though we were far away, we were able to hear Papa Francesco's message. A copy is available here: Papal Message 9-30-2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

2015 - Sept. 28, 29 The Forum, Colosseum, and the Palatine Hill

We've gone back in time again; this time to the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. Each time I stand here, I wonder what it must have been like "back in the day". 

From Wikipedia: Many of the oldest and most important structures of the ancient city were located on or near the Forum. The Roman kingdom's earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge. These included the ancient former royal residence, the Regia (8th century BC), and the Temple of Vesta (7th century BC), as well as the surrounding complex of the Vestal Virgins, all of which were rebuilt after the rise of imperial Rome.

This is where Caesar had his encounter with Brutus.

Not much left today...

To the south of the Forum is the Palatine Hill, on the right in this picture.

As we climbed the steps, we got a hint of what we might see below.

There is a large viewing area to see the grandeur of the Forum (or the seagull).

Looking down...

 See the Colosseum?

Another picture of Caesar's last stand...

At the southern edge of the Palatine Hill is the ancient residence of Emperor Augustus. Augustus was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.

As we head back to Villa Maria, we stop to see if there are any chariot races scheduled at Circus Maximus. Not today!

2015 - Sept. 29: S. Marion

Again, thanks to our church friends Mary & Larry, we've met and become good friends with Sister Marion. She recently started a 6-year assignment at the Salvator Mundi International Hospital in Rome. We were lucky enough to get a tour of her offices and the gardens around the hospital. 

On a clear day you can see the dome of St. Peter's, at the Vatican.

She joined us most mornings for breakfast. On this day we joined her for lunch, along with many of the Sisters that also work at the hospital.

There was a special treat at the end of our meal.

Monday, September 28, 2015

2015 - Sept. 28: S. Mary Gilda and the Generalate in Rome

Thanks to our friends Mary & Larry, we've met and become good friends with Sister Mary Gilda. Sr Gilda is retired and lives in Elm Grove now, but spent some time at the School Sisters of Notre Dame Generalate in Rome. Sr Gilda celebrated her Jubilee (70 years!) this past summer. She is from Italy and has tried (bless her!) to help me with my Italian.

With Sr Gilda's help and an introduction, we visited the Generalate where she served when she was in Rome.

We were welcomed by Sr Mary Willette (L) and given a grand tour by Sr Bernadette (aka Sr Bernie), shown below.

Sr Bernie spent a couple hours with us as we explored the complete facility. The most striking part of the Generalate is the Chapel.

I have many pictures and videos to share with Sr Gilda, when I get home.

2015 - Sept. 28, 29 The Forum, Colosseum, and the Palatine Hill

Stepping way back in time, we spent a couple of afternoons in the ancient center of Rome. We first visited the Colosseum and tried to dodge the raindrops. 

It's hard to take a picture inside as the Colosseum is so large.

You original floor is gone, exposing the passage ways for the animals.

Once you get to the top, you realize how BIG some of the building stones are.

A nice view of the Arch of Constantine, just outside.

The Colosseum took most of the afternoon and decided to come back the next day to see the rest of the area.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

2015 - Sept. 27: St. Peter's Bascilica and Castle Sant'Angelo

Another ambitious day of walking in Rome. We are off to see St. Peter's Basilica and nearby Castel Sant'Angelo. We followed an ancient wall most of the way there. (Remember that we are on a hill.) Going there was not bad. Coming back was just a little taxing.

Here's our route. We followed the blue dots.

There were a lot of people at St. Peter's this day. There was a rumor that Papa Francesco was going to appear, but it didn't come true. 

We spent some time looking at the markers under foot. They are strategically placed where a shadow falls from the obelisk shown above. What does this one indicate?

We decided to go to Castle Sant'Angelo for lunch and then come back for Mass at St. Peter's.

How's this for a nice view?

It's almost impossible to capture the magnificence of St. Peter's.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

2015 - Here I go again!

Will I ever learn Italian? Probably not, but I'm taking another shot at it.

This year, Joyce & David came with me as we started our Italian adventure in Rome. We arrived on 26 September, and for the first few nights stayed at the Villa Maria - Casa per Ferie (Holiday House). Villa Maria is next door to the Salvator Mundi International Hospital where S. Marion Etzle works. We are very grateful for S. Marion's help in getting around this tourist-packed city.

We were barely unpacked but took off for something to see. We knew we were close to the Tiber River and headed that way. This was our route "there". The route "back" took us through the garden by the star. According to Google, Villa Maria is at an elevation of 250 feet. On our return from the river, we started at an elevation of 36 feet. I see now why it was such a challenge climbing up the trails in the garden.
After 48 hours of NO sleep, we collapsed into our beds.
After a good night's sleep and feeling refreshed, we started the next day at the breakfast room:
For simple but comfortable accommodations, we highly recommend Villa Maria. More info is here: